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The Benefits of CBD for Golfer’s Elbow

It’s an all-too-common occurrence for a golfer (or any athlete for that matter) to be hindered by injury, only to be forced away from competition, sidelined with the inability to perform, improve, or play in any capacity.

One such injury that’s particularly prevalent in the sport of golf? Golfer’s elbow… The good news is that while the prevalence is daunting, it can be treated, and even better, prevented.

Though supplementation isn’t the only answer, with recovery techniques and the like being equally imperative, CBD has been shown to be a potential preventative solution, or at the very least, a mitigation tool for easing such pain and discomfort and improving recovery times.

With that said, in what follows, we’ll explore what Golfer’s Elbow is and how it affects the athlete who’s suffering, how it can be treated, managed, and prevented, and why CBD might just be the ultimate solution!

What is Golfer’s Elbow?

Otherwise known in the medical community as epicondylitis, golfer’s elbow is a type of tendonitis that derives in the elbow. Typically characterized as a strain or sprain of tendons surrounding the joint, a golfer’s elbow can result in mild to severe symptoms, ultimately causing an inability of elbow flexion.

Contrary to its name, this injury doesn’t only result in elbow pain. Instead, its symptoms can radiate through the entirety of the upper extremity, from the forearm to the wrist and beyond.

Impacting both the ability to grip, twist, and swing, a golfer’s elbow is typically defined as an overuse injury, due, in large part, to the repetitive motions involved in sports like golf, baseball, and tennis.

The good news? There is a solution; in fact, many solutions… One, however, deserves a worthy mention above the rest. That solution? CBD!

Treatment for Golfer’s Elbow

Evidently, the best medicine of all is always prevention. Prevention, however, isn’t always possible, especially for those committed to their sport, unwilling to rest or revert from such sports-related movements that may be aggravating the injury itself.

As such, other interventions are likely required, including but limited to the use of CBD products, whether oral or topical…

Not only does CBD help relieve pain and discomfort at the source but it also allows those who use it to persist with the activities they love the most; i.e. golf. In fact, many of the PGA Tour’s best use CBD to their advantage!

Without getting too much into the science, CBD works to send messages through the body via the endocannabinoid system to ensure that the body continues to feel and perform its best.

What are the benefits as it pertains to a golfer’s elbow, you ask? For starters, CBD aids in muscle and joint support; a crucial benefit when it comes to improving performance and longevity.

This support is accomplished by reducing inflammation at the source and supplying the body with the necessary compounds to keep the muscles and joints healthy. Further, thanks to its corresponding compounds, CBD works to relax the muscles and joints that it’s applied.

CBD and Golfer’s Elbow

Whether you’re seeking to prevent such an injury or treat and manage it in a proactive fashion, CBD can help. Even more, though suitable for those suffering from Golfer’s Elbow, CBD works for a variety of physical and mental ailments, from back pain and neck pain to mental fog and anxiety!

Luckily, we here at Golf Gummies have several products that you can avail of at your discretion, whether you’re a golfer or not! To learn more about our offerings, from our flagship Golf Gummies to our newest topical roll-on CBD product, be sure to visit us here!

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