Best CBD Products for Golfers

The best CBD products for golfers are those that work! While supplements are nothing new, CBD is relatively unfamiliar, still requiring further education on its effectiveness, especially when it comes to performance and recovery. 

Whether you’re an elite golfer, a leisurely weekender, or otherwise, CBD can be of great benefit to your golf game…

With that said, in what follows, we’ll be exploring the many benefits of CBD, particularly for golfers. Concluding, we’ll be sharing a couple of the best CBD products on the market that golfers can take to enhance their game. 

So, without further ado, let’s jump into it, shall we?!

The Benefits of CBD Products for Golfers

Whether you’re a golfer or not, CBD boasts several incredible benefits that any human can take advantage of; Unlike THC, CBD is the non-psychoactive component of marijuana, ridding the chances of getting high and instead only providing the positive aspects of the plant. 

Whether you’re looking to improve mental acuity, boost muscular recovery, or increase athletic performance, CBD can help… It’s even been shown through an abundance of scientific research to date! 

Oral gummies, topical oils, or otherwise, it doesn’t matter – CBD works all the same. Below are several added benefits of CBD, particularly as it pertains to the golfers of the group. 

Stress & Anxiety Reduction

While golf is certainly a physically-demanding sport in its own right, it’s more of a mental game than anything. Requiring rigid focus, strategic thinking, and problem-solving, golf is best played when the mind is sharp. 
By supplementing with CBD, whether oral, topical, or otherwise, research suggests that it will both reduce performance anxiety and relieve in-game stress, thus allowing YOU to focus intensely on the task at hand.

Mental Acuity & Focus

As a great segue, CBD supplementation has also been shown to increase focus and mental acuity, both on and off the green.

By reducing stress and anxiety, two factors that often act as a distraction, golfers alike can focus on their game rather than the mind games that often accompany high-stress situations.

Muscle & Joint Pain Relief

Last but certainly not least, CBD has been supported in the literature to be a great aid for muscle and joint pain & discomfort. As most golfers experience at some point in their careers, repetitive swings and long walks often result in joint pain that, if not managed, can become severe.

As such, recovery is imperative… That’s where CBD comes into play! While more is certainly required of recovery than supplementation alone, implementing a regular CBD regimen can drastically reduce muscle and joint pain, thus improving overall performance and well-being. 

The Best CBD Products for Golfers

For those eager to learn of the best CBD products for golfers, you’ve come to the right place! While there are several on the market, below are our two favorites when it comes to quality, convenience, and effectiveness, particularly as it pertains to golfers.

  1. CBD Gummies: Both tasty and effective, CBD gummies are an ingestible treat that also just so happens to be a performance and recovery supplement that golfers and other athletes alike can take to improve their game. Whether to proactively manage joint pain, prevent it altogether, or improve the mental game, CBD gummies are a discrete CBD product that can be taken wherever the game takes you. One brand that we trust wholeheartedly is Golf Gummies! Manufactured and supplied as a premium CBD product, Golf Gummies targets golfers exclusively, with the aim of spreading the message of recovery and performance!
  2. CBD Topical Roll-On: Unlike CBD gummies that can be used for several broad purposes, CBD topical roll-on ointments are used specifically to target pain points and inflammation at the source. Simply apply it to the affected area and allow it to work its magic! Whether as a means of proactive management or prevention, CBD topical ointments can be used before, during, or after a golf session, with regular use proving the most effective. One such product that we trust wholeheartedly when it comes to topical CBD products is CBD Roll On by Golf Gummies! Whether via the topical ointment in that of the CBD Roll-On or the oral CBD gummy, our product line of CBD products seeks to tackle inflammation at the source; while the topical ointment works from the outside in, the gummy works from the inside out. After all, inflammation is oftentimes the root cause of the majority of physical ailments experienced by golfers!  

Mental Health Benefits of Golf as We Age

It’s no secret that golf is one of the most popular sports in the world, played by millions and millions of individuals annually across the world. It’s also no secret that the prevalence of mental health issues is rapidly on the rise across all ages and demographics. 

What might come as a surprise, however, is the correlation between the two and how golf may just be an antidote to the mental health crisis at large! 

Okay, you’re right, that might be a slight overstatement; golf is great but not that great… Jokes aside, golf has shown tremendous mental health benefits for those who play it, both leisurely and on a frequent basis; This is particularly true of those part of the aging population.

From physical health benefits that then translate to mental health benefits, to mental wellness improvements that translate to a greater quality of life, golf boasts several health benefits worthy of further exploration. 

Continue reading to learn more about the correlation between golf and one’s mental health and well-being. 

Golfing With the Ages

It’s true that any given mode of exercise is beneficial for one’s physical and mental health & well-being. The reason why golf, in particular, has been singled out is because of its barrier to entry for those part of the aging population. 

Unlike other sports and modes of exercise like basketball, football, and even running, golf is the ideal outlet for those less adept and less capable of strenuous physical activity. 

Not to mention, it takes place outside in the fresh air under the sun, it involves a level of socialization, and it comes with it a sense of slowness that other sports just don’t behold. 

For all of these reasons and more, golf is a sport of choice for those who might be aging but are still eager to care for their health and well-being. 

The Many Health Benefits of Golf for Adults

Okay, ‘for adults’ might be a stretch of a subheading… The truth is, no matter what age you are, the following benefits associated with playing golf can be realized and actualized.

The distinction, however, lies in the activity itself. While younger demographics can participate in more vigorous, high-intensity bouts of exercise and sport, elder populations and older adults can’t always do so, whether due to a physical limitation or otherwise. 

Not to mention, some of the more common health implications, mental complications, and disadvantages of aging aren’t relevant to the younger demographics. In other words, elders are much more likely to become lonely, craving such basic yet essential social interaction. Similarly, they’re also much more likely to spend more time sedentary and inside, failing to receive vital nutrients such as vitamin d. 

Nevertheless, the following are several of the most common and prevalent mental health benefits of golf, particularly for older adults: 

Relief from Symptoms of Anxiety & Depression

Like any form of physical activity or exercise, golf is an incredible stress reliever and tool for the management of anxiety and depression. This is evident in countless studies and peer-reviewed research papers. 

Not only does golf involve a ton of walking (if you don’t have to take the golf cart, don’t – golf can be a great form of exercise), but it takes place outside in the fresh air, typically with a group of like-minded individuals in your social circle. 

For all of these reasons and more, it makes complete and total sense as to why golf is such a great reliever of mental health symptoms. 

Improvement of Social Life & Well-Being 

While golf is technically a solo sport, it’s typically participated in with several other solo golfers that compile a group. If you have the opportunity, always opt to play golf with a group of individuals, not by yourself as this will only create more seclusion and loneliness issues. 

As someone part of the aging population or retirement community, you’re likely met with several instances of loneliness and a lack of willing participants to socialize, whether due to health complications or otherwise.

By joining a community, however, social well-being can drastically and almost immediately be improved; golf is one of many incredible social outlets for doing so…

Increase in Confidence & Self-Esteem 

Just as learning any new skill and becoming more proficient in it can be a confidence-builder, so too can golf. For those that have ever tried playing golf, you know how hard it is; in short, there’s always something new to be learned or improvement to be made. 

By practicing golf on a frequent basis, not only will you begin to see progression and improvements in your skill but you’ll experience a newfound sense of confidence and self-esteem as a result.

Boost in Mental Acuity, Focus, & Sharpness

Although its skills are largely physical, its requirements are much more mentally demanding. From focus to patience, becoming a good golf player is one of the mental challenges.

This, however, doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, it’s quite the beneficial one. By practicing patience and honing in on your skills through regular golf play, you’ll inevitably become more mentally sharp. 

heck, it beats sitting on a couch all day! 

A Final Word

An incredible outlet for all ages, golf has proven effective in improving one’s mental and physical health. For those of older age, this becomes increasingly apparent and evident. 

The best part? Its community is widely accepting, welcoming everyone from complete beginners to encouraging experts in the sport. So, if you’re looking to boost your mental wellness while also improving your physical health, don’t be intimidated to try it out for size.

Who knows, it might just become your new favorite past-time!

The Benefits of CBD for Golfer’s Elbow

It’s an all-too-common occurrence for a golfer (or any athlete for that matter) to be hindered by injury, only to be forced away from competition, sidelined with the inability to perform, improve, or play in any capacity.

One such injury that’s particularly prevalent in the sport of golf? Golfer’s elbow… The good news is that while the prevalence is daunting, it can be treated, and even better, prevented.

Though supplementation isn’t the only answer, with recovery techniques and the like being equally imperative, CBD has been shown to be a potential preventative solution, or at the very least, a mitigation tool for easing such pain and discomfort and improving recovery times.

With that said, in what follows, we’ll explore what Golfer’s Elbow is and how it affects the athlete who’s suffering, how it can be treated, managed, and prevented, and why CBD might just be the ultimate solution!

What is Golfer’s Elbow?

Otherwise known in the medical community as epicondylitis, golfer’s elbow is a type of tendonitis that derives in the elbow. Typically characterized as a strain or sprain of tendons surrounding the joint, a golfer’s elbow can result in mild to severe symptoms, ultimately causing an inability of elbow flexion.

Contrary to its name, this injury doesn’t only result in elbow pain. Instead, its symptoms can radiate through the entirety of the upper extremity, from the forearm to the wrist and beyond.

Impacting both the ability to grip, twist, and swing, a golfer’s elbow is typically defined as an overuse injury, due, in large part, to the repetitive motions involved in sports like golf, baseball, and tennis.

The good news? There is a solution; in fact, many solutions… One, however, deserves a worthy mention above the rest. That solution? CBD!

Treatment for Golfer’s Elbow

Evidently, the best medicine of all is always prevention. Prevention, however, isn’t always possible, especially for those committed to their sport, unwilling to rest or revert from such sports-related movements that may be aggravating the injury itself.

As such, other interventions are likely required, including but limited to the use of CBD products, whether oral or topical…

Not only does CBD help relieve pain and discomfort at the source but it also allows those who use it to persist with the activities they love the most; i.e. golf. In fact, many of the PGA Tour’s best use CBD to their advantage!

Without getting too much into the science, CBD works to send messages through the body via the endocannabinoid system to ensure that the body continues to feel and perform its best.

What are the benefits as it pertains to a golfer’s elbow, you ask? For starters, CBD aids in muscle and joint support; a crucial benefit when it comes to improving performance and longevity.

This support is accomplished by reducing inflammation at the source and supplying the body with the necessary compounds to keep the muscles and joints healthy. Further, thanks to its corresponding compounds, CBD works to relax the muscles and joints that it’s applied.

CBD and Golfer’s Elbow

Whether you’re seeking to prevent such an injury or treat and manage it in a proactive fashion, CBD can help. Even more, though suitable for those suffering from Golfer’s Elbow, CBD works for a variety of physical and mental ailments, from back pain and neck pain to mental fog and anxiety!

Luckily, we here at Golf Gummies have several products that you can avail of at your discretion, whether you’re a golfer or not! To learn more about our offerings, from our flagship Golf Gummies to our newest topical roll-on CBD product, be sure to visit us here!